Quantum Geothermal is a leading installer of geothermal heating and cooling systems for new homes in southern Ontario

The Ground Loop

The vast majority of systems installed in Ontario (and in Canada) are configured as horizontal or vertical ground loop systems. A recent national survey estiamted that over 60% of all geothermal installations in Canada were horizontal loops. Here at Quantum Geothermal we have found our business to be split evenly between these two methods with hundreds of successful systems installed and functioning in the GTA and other places across Ontario. Each year we take on a number of projects in Toronto and other urban centres where city lot sizes make vertical drilling the only viable option. In recent years it has become a fact that Quantum Geothermal installs more geothermal ground loops for new custom homes each year in Toronto than any other contractor.

Geothermal Installation Services

In town or out of town, we can help you build a long lasting heating and cooling system for your home using renewable energy from the earth.

Geothermal Heating and Cooling Installation

When our business takes us out of the urban areas to where more land is often available we typically design the ground loops we install as horizontal ground loops.

When a property is of sufficient size, without too many trees and with a relatively flat contour, horizontal ground loops are the most cost effective design.

However, vertical loops offer the advantage of requiring only a very small area on the property with the result that disruption to landscaping and restoration work is minimized. Properly designed, both styles of system will offer many years of reliable heating and cooling.

If your goal is to live in a net zero home then we should talk.