Quantum Geothermal is a leading installer of geothermal heating and cooling systems for new homes in southern Ontario

About Quantum Energy Solutions

Quantum Energy Solutions was established in 2016 with the mandate to expand the work of Quantum Geothermal beyond our origins as a geothermal contracting company.

Today Quantum Energy Solutions offers fully integrated design and contracting services for clients requiring geothermal systems, radiant floor warming and driveway snow melt systems.

We also design and install solar PV systems for clients looking to offset their electrical costs by generating power on site and reduce their dependancy on purchasing power from local electrical distribution companies.  

We are proud to partner with a select group of engineers, designers, and contractors as part of the growing community of business owners advocating for the greater use of renewable energy systems in the residential construction industry. 

Quantum Energy Solutions – Residential Design and Installation 

Quantum Energy Solutions is dedicated to providing thoughful and well integrated designs for residential HVAC systems. We have a team of skilled and experienced contractors and trades who insure that the intended design is properly installed as each new home is constructed.

Quantum Energy Solutions typically serves as a project manager for all related elements of the overall home construction project. This includes not only the installation of the outside and interior components of each geothermal system but also the requirements our clients may have for ductwork installation, a floor warming system and perhaps a driveway snow melt or rooftop solar PV system. We often take responsibility for the complete geothermal, floor warming, ductwork and solar PV systems.

Starting with our design services and we work with our clients and their architect to prepare their HVAC permit package. Once construction begins we work cooperatively with builders and other trades to provide site management from the start of a project to it’s completion.

We take an intelligent, honest and personalized approach as we continue to grow our business and advocate for the expanded the use of geothermal heating and cooling systems, floor warming, snow melt and solar PV systems with a focus on building highly energy efficient custom homes.

For more information on Quantum Energy Solutions, please follow this link to our web site:  www.quantumenergysolutions.com

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